Bite of a bumblebee or other stinging insects. First aid


The bites of such stinging insects, like bumblebees, wasps,bees and hornets are very painfully carried by man. The bite of a bumblebee, like the rest of the hymenoptera, is accompanied by swelling and redness. The greatest danger is the possible appearance of severe allergic reactions. As a rule, this happens outside the city, in the countryside or in suburban areas, so every person should be able to provide the first possible assistance to the victim.

If the victim develops an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by an increase in swelling, hyperemia, you should immediately call an ambulance or take a person to the hospital.

The bite of a bumblebee is accompanied by poison,sprouted from the sting of an insect. This poison causes pain and inflammation in the place of injury. The more inclined to allergic reactions a person, the sharper the pain and accompanying symptoms.

The most serious complication that can causea bumblebee bite, is the development of Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. If these conditions develop, then within a short time there is an itchy red rash all over the body, heart palpitations appear, there is a severe headache, back and joint pains and swells in the face. All this is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, chills, nausea and vomiting. Cramps and dyspnea also appear.

A bumblebee can also cause a person to lose consciousness. Such a reaction is possible from the bite of just one stinging insect. In rare cases, massive stinging of these insects can lead to death.

If a bite of insects has had a strong effect on a person, first aid should be reduced to the following (if there is no possibility to get qualified help in a timely manner):

  1. Carefully remove the stinger. And, do not try to squeeze it, because it can speed up the spread of poison.
  2. Treat with peroxide, ammonia, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or water with salt, the place of bite.
  3. A cold compress will help neutralize the spread of the poison and relieve the pain, as well as reduce puffiness.
  4. Let's drink more to the victim.


In case of severe allergic reaction, the causewhich become bites of insects, treatment is conducted only by a doctor. Prior to his arrival, cover the victim, put warmers around him with hot water, give him 2 tablets of diphenhydramine.

The most severe cases can lead to cessation of breathing and cardiac arrest. In such cases it is necessary to undertake resuscitative actions: closed cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

Emergency medical care is necessary in case of occurrence of such signs as:

  • there were signs of an allergic reaction: rapid heartbeat, nausea, headache, convulsions, dyspnea;
  • manifestation of signs of infection in places of bites: pain increases, redness develops, swelling increases, temperature indicators increase;
  • if bitten by more than 10 insects, especially in the case of children and the elderly;
  • a bite occurred in the throat area, eyeballs or an insect stung in the mouth;
  • earlier on insect bites there was an allergy.

In addition to stinging insects, there is a large number of different kinds of bloodsucking and spiders whose bites are no less dangerous. The most dangerous representatives are a karakurt, a tarantula and a brown hermit spider.

If you are faced with such problems as bitesinsects, treatment should be carried out only in the hospital, where there is an opportunity to introduce an antidote. With a bite of a non-poisonous representative of arachnids, special treatment is not required, in order to help, it is necessary to act according to the scheme outlined above.