City of Ostrov (Pskov region): history and sights


In the Pskov region there is a lake of the same name into which the river flows, called Great. On it is the city of the Island, he is also the administrative center.

island pskov region

The value of the fortress Island in the protection of the borders of the Russian state

If you are guided by chronicle sources,about the 14th century on the island, which on the one hand washed the Great River, and on the other - the Slobozhiha channel, stood a fortress. At least, there is a mention of the battle of the inhabitants of Pskov with the knights of the Livonian Order. The defenders fought desperately against the invaders. It would hardly be lucky for them if the warriors from the Island did not come to the rescue, as Vasiliy Onisimovich was the mayor. For the attackers, this was a real surprise.

The fortress area of ​​2 hectares on the island at the timeIt was considered quite a powerful fortification stone structure. The main building material was gray limestone. The walls with five towers on the perimeter and zahab were reliable fortifications, protecting the north-west gate. Historical importance has the Island (Pskov region). Photos of the modern city can be seen in the article.

On the territory in 1542 built the temple of the HolyNicholas, who from the point of view of architecture perfectly complemented the area, slightly changing its sad appearance. The fortress on the island was part of the suburban area of ​​Pskov, securely covering the borders of its lands on the south side.

Livonians repeatedly (in 1348, 1406, 1426)tried to capture part of the Russian territory. But each time they met with fierce resistance from Pskov. Attempts to seize the island by the Germans and Lithuanians were made in the 15th century.

1501 was successful for the Germans,headed by an experienced warlord Walter von Plettenberg. The fortress could not stand their pressure. The assault was accompanied by intense shelling with fire arrows and guns. The fortress flamed and could not stand the onslaught. One part of the 4,000th garrison was destroyed, and the other was captured. Due to the fall of the fortress, the inhabitants were defenseless, plundered and ravaged. However, the city of Ostrov (Pskov Region) did not long remain under occupation.

city ​​island of the Pskov region

Russian lands

After almost 80 years, the fortress took by stormPolish army of King Stephen Batory, but after a few months, the Russian kingdom and Rzeczpospolita signed the Zapolsky peace treaty (January 1582), according to which the city of Ostrov (Pskov region) was again Russian territory.

Almost half a century passed when between Russia and PolandAnother military conflict arose (1632-1634), known in history as the Smolensk War. Enemies destroyed by fire Island. Until 1510, while the Island belonged to the Moscow kingdom, control was exercised by the Posadnik, and also convened by the Veche.

Island - county town

In 1700, Tsar Peter started a military companyknown in history as the Northern War. It was supposed to take away the lands it conquered from Sweden at the beginning of the 17th century and thereby ensure Russia's access to the Baltic Sea. As it soon turned out, in 1708, as the Russian army advanced successfully, the need for the existence of the Ostrov fortress disappeared as such. Therefore, it actually began to turn into a regular county town.

In 1772 (or 1777) the Island (Pskov Region)received county status. By that time, 3 fortress towers remained intact. At the disposal of the parishioners there were 5 church churches. Only 71 buildings were stone out of 521. On May 28, 1781, at the official level, the Ostrov city had its own coat of arms.

Trade development

Novgorod Governor Sievers in the second halfThe 18th century remarked that the flax trade may have all the chances to become a promising direction. So it happened. Indeed, until the end of the next century, the city of Ostrov (Pskov Region) was the leader in this industry. In 1864, a joint-stock company was formed to sell flax.

The city's attractions

Chain bridge connecting opposite shoresRiver Great, belongs to the main attractions of the Island. With good reason, it can be argued that this is the offspring of Mikhail Yakovlevich, an engineer of Krasnopolsky, a masterpiece in the field of domestic bridge building.

island pskov region photo

The construction of the structure is formed by two 94-meterspan, which occupy both branches of the river. Chain sag have an arrow equal to half the length of one span. For the construction of supports used selected calcareous slab. Cobblestone served as facing material. Three rows of pillars are made of granite slabs. In November 1853, the chain bridge was commissioned. The opening ceremony was held with the participation of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I.

sights of the island of the Pskov region

There are other attractions of the Island of the Pskov region:

  • Military Historical Museum-Reserve.
  • Monument to Claudia Nazarova.
  • Church of St. Nicholas, built in 1542.
  • Fraternal burial.
  • Church of Myrrh-Bearers

All these places are magnificent and worthy of the tourist's attention.