"The voice crying in the desert": the meaning of phraseology, its origin


Phraseological units - stable combinations of words -appear due to historical events and individuals, fiction, popular utterances and other factors. A lot of such expressions have come to our speech from the Bible. For example, "the voice of one crying in the wilderness."

The meaning of phraseology, its origin and use, we will consider in this article. We learn its interpretation with the help of reliable sources - an explanatory and phraseological dictionary of famous linguists.

"The voice of one crying in the desert": the meaning of phraseology

In the explanatory dictionary of SI Ozhegov, the following definition is given to this expression: "unanswered appeal, unheard supplication". There is a stylistic mark "book".

In the phraseological dictionary edited by M.I. Stepanova gives such an interpretation of the expression: "a passionate call to anything, left unanswered due to indifference or misunderstanding of people." Also worth noting is "book".

the voice of the crying in the desert meaning of phraseology

In the vocabulary of sustainable turnover, Rose T. V. also has a definition of the expression "voice crying in the desert." The meaning of phraseology in it concerns useless calls that are left unattended.

Next, consider how this combination of words appeared.

The origin of the expression "the voice of one crying in the desert"

For an etymological review, we also usespecified by us dictionaries. In the commentary it is noted that the expression came from the Gospel parable of John the Baptist, who in the desert, in front of the people who did not understand him, called for opening the ways and souls to Jesus Christ.

 voice in the wilderness

Roza T. V. also cites the history of the origin of phraseology in her dictionary. She informs the readers the following.

There is a biblical story about onethe Hebrew prophet, who called from the desert of the Israelites to prepare for a meeting with God. To this end, he writes in his dictionary, Rosa T. V., proposed to build roads in the steppe, to lower the mountains, to level the surface of the earth and to do many other works. But the hermit-prophet was not heard.

From that moment on, the "voice of the crying in the wilderness" has a meaning, such as vain entreaties and appeals, which are not taken seriously by anyone.

Biblical meaning of phraseology

The definitions in the dictionaries are not entirely correct. The biblical meaning of this expression is different. John the Baptist called for repentance. His voice (voice) was heard on the banks of the Jordan. The people who heard him spread the news about him, and others came to listen to him. Crowds gathered near him. John baptized people with Jordanian water to wash them from their sins, and preached.

the voice of the crying in the wilderness

The path of Jesus was laid down in human hearts,which were stony, snakes nested in themselves. On such a road, Christ was difficult to walk. Therefore, this way the angel of God, John, prepared, tried to make it direct. He corrected the curvature of human hearts. Therefore, the expression we are considering should also be interpreted as a call to repentance and correction.


The expression we are considering is not obsolete. It was actively used and used by writers, publicists, journalists and all those who resort to sustainable circulation to express their thoughts.

N.P. Ogaryov, in the preface to the periodical edition of The Bell of Herzen, writes: "The voice of one crying in the desert alone was heard in a foreign land." This newspaper was issued in London and was directed against censorship and serfdom. The stable expression used by Ogarev, which we are considering, gave us the author's thoughts.

Often used in the headings of the turnover "voicecrying in the desert "The meaning of phraseology helps to convey to readers information that someone can not reach someone's hearts, does not find the desired response.