Confirmation of a diploma or its nostrification


In order to confirm a foreign diploma inanother country for the purpose of further education or employment, it is necessary to pass the procedure of nostrification. The confirmation of the diploma during the process of nostrification establishes the authenticity and legality of the receipt of the document, as well as the compliance of the existing diploma with the diploma of the host country and the possibility of its use on its territory.

The process of recognition of a diplomatime and requires financial expenses. In any case, you will need to be patient and achieve your goal. If the recognition of a diploma is not made, it will not be possible to move up the career ladder or enter a university in the host country.

Confirmation of the diploma
Confirmation of a diploma in Germany by students of Russian universities

When deciding to move to Germany to continue studying or entering work in the country, you must confirm your diploma.

The complexity of this procedure will bedepend on the set goals. If the confirmation of the diploma is necessary for admission to the University of Germany, further education and professional development, there will be no problems with this. Germany - one of the countries in which universities can decide whether to confirm the diploma or not. That is, upon admission to the master's degree of the chosen university, it is necessary to submit an application with an attached copy of the diploma directly to the university, where they will decide on the possibility of admission or refusal of admission.

Confirmation of a diploma in Germany
When recognizing a diploma forSome restrictions are imposed on professional activities. In Germany, there are a number of professions, for work on which it is necessary to confirm the diploma in special state institutions and departments located in each federal country. In this case, there is a high probability that for the recognition of an existing diploma it will be necessary to pass special additional courses, seminars for the upgrading of qualifications or to pass a practice in the specialty.

Confirmation of a diploma in Russia
Confirmation of a diploma in Russia by students of foreign universities

Everyone who has received an education abroad faces this problem, but wants to continue studying or working in Russia.

In our country, the decision on the authenticity andThe Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issues the conformity of the diploma, in practice such questions are resolved by the Main State Expert Center. It is here that you need to send a package of documents for the procedure of nostrification.

The time during which the review takes placeapplications for the confirmation of a diploma, usually does not exceed 4 months, except when it is necessary to file additional requests to foreign universities or departments.

On May 21, 2012, the Government issued a decreeRussia, in which 210 Higher Education Institutions of 25 countries were approved, the diplomas of which will be confirmed automatically. The confirmation of the diploma established by the Order of foreign educational institutions in Russia is not required.