Which is better - shugaring or waxing? Comparison of epilation methods


So, today we will talk with you about the fact thatbetter - shugaring or waxing. In fact, these are quite new (or well-forgotten old), but have become popular ways of carrying out epilation. They are great for home use. We will consider several recipes for the preparation and application of shugaring with wax, and then decide what is best.

that it is better to lugar or wax

What for?

Girls at all times watched their appearance. It was necessary to get rid of excess vegetation constantly. And not so long ago for this purpose began to use wax, and then and the most usual sugar.

The thing is that previous hair removalwas a painful process with unpleasant consequences. Ingrown hairs, pain and redness are all not the best outcomes of the procedure. Thus, we will see with you what is better - shugaring or waxing. And maybe neither one nor the other? Let's understand this issue, and then study the most appropriate recipes and ways of using at home.


The first, which, as a rule, pay attention togirls are the price of the procedures. The thing is that our today's techniques can be found both in the salons and beyond. In particular, shugaring, whose price can be only 500 rubles. Agree, not so expensive. It does not have to think about the negative consequences and pain. If you decide to use a home recipe, then it will cost you about 100 rubles for many procedures. More precisely, we will calculate later.

shugaring price

Concerning wax, it can also be said that thisinexpensive procedure. In the cabin, it costs about the same amount as shugaring. Depending on the place of application. But for home purposes this method will cost a little more - about 150 rubles. Let's go further, which is better - shugaring or waxing.

No pain

And without that it is known that girls for the sake of beautyready to endure any pain. However, for the skin this is not always good. With the advent of wax and shugaring, pain during the disposal of excess vegetation on the body is almost gone. Let's understand where it is less.

Naturally, everything depends on the places of epilation. In the bikini zone, wax for depilation, which is left positive reviews, usually when applied on legs, it is better not to use. In these places you will feel a tangible pain. After all, you literally have to "tear" the wax from the body along with the hairs. Not the best outcome.

depilation shugaring

But depilation shugaring here is suitable significantlymore. And on the body it is also more convenient to apply, and the pain here is minimized. Only here on your feet, for example, you will have to try hard with the process. It can take quite a long time. Usually it is usually customary to use wax for a given undertaking. In particular, special strips. So it's better - shugaring or waxing? We move on.


Any procedure can be judged by its availability. And it's not about price. The point is that both waxing and shugaring are new and accessible to everyone.

First, as already mentioned, they can beto get on record in beauty salons. These are the most suitable and popular methods for getting rid of excess vegetation on the body. Shugaring, whose price is not that high, is now slightly ahead of the wax procedures because of its novelty. In addition, such depilation, frankly, is more accessible than wax. All because of the simplicity of cooking the material at home. Depilation sugaring - this is the option that you can hold without leaving home. After all, all products for cooking a special mass will always be found in every mistress of the house.

But the wax for depilation, reviews about whichare left very positive, as a rule, it requires some expenses. Yes, it can be cooked at home, but it's much harder than making a mass for a shugaring. In addition, if you do not particularly like to "chemize", you will have to go to the nearest supermarket for special wax strips. But here the method has its advantages. Shugaring you can hardly buy in the store. Such a mass, as a rule, is not sold, but is cooked at home. Do not like to experiment with the cooker? Then you have two choices - either go to the salon for this service, or use wax. Like this. We draw conclusions that it is better - shugaring or waxing.

shugaring with citric acid


Now it is worth knowing with you about the scales socalled the consequences of our procedures. In fact, they are not very different. But for each girl, as a rule, each point plays an important role separately. That's why we have to think that it's better - shugaring or waxing.

The first thing you can come across with is notthat other, as ingrown hairs. It's all about the application of both methods, as a rule, the probability of occurrence of these consequences is rapidly moving to zero. So far, with both wax and shugaring, the results are similar.

Redness and itching - this is the second point thatoften repels lovely ladies. Here, as a rule, shugaring (with citric acid) is the most sparing option. It acts very gently and gently on the skin, which almost does not cause redness. However, in some particularly sensitive places you can face such a problem.

But wax for depilation, homemade recipeswhich we learn later, as a rule, can cause some redness. Itching here is ruled out altogether, but here's the reddish skin in separate areas and for a little while - this is quite normal phenomenon. Though not often, but it happens. Especially if the girl is a real sissy. However, if you do not use wax in particularly sensitive places, then you can exclude this effect. But what is better - shugaring or waxing? Let's move on.

wax for depilation reviews

Application area

Well, we continue to study all the pluses andminuses of two current methods of depilation. In fact, it will be very, very difficult to answer the question posed. In particular, because both options have a lot of similar pros. It is worth trying to evaluate both methods in the field of application.

The thing is that depilation shugaring, likeThe rule is suitable for use throughout the body. There are hands and feet, armpits, face, and bikini zone. This method perfectly removes the hairs, and is also not very painful (as we have already noticed).

But you can not say about wax. This option is good for eyebrow correction, ideal for getting rid of facial hair, and also for getting rid of vegetation on the legs and hands. But axillary hollows and intimate zones, as already mentioned, it is better not to wax. It will be very painful, although in other places, as a rule, this feeling is absent. Waxing or shugaring? If to judge by areas of application, then the second option is in the lead. But that's not all. Let's try to figure out what else plays a role in our complex "showdowns".

Ease of use

Well, now let's try to judge aboutOur current methods for a very interesting and busy criterion. It's about the simplicity of the procedures. That is, we compare the so-called operating instructions. This is a very interesting and entertaining approach.

depilation waxing or shugaring

Shugaring (with or without citric acid), asrule, does not require any training or anything like that. It simply takes the cooked mass, and then it "rolls around" the area on which it is worth depilating. To be honest, it's very simple and convenient. Weight, by the way, something will remind you a ball of plasticine. After treatment, wash the skin with warm water, and then lubricate with cream. This is not necessary, but it is desirable.

Wax, in particular wax strips, requireabout as much effort. If we take into account that these methods are handled, as a rule, hands-feet-face, then the application of this one can be considered more simple. On the body is applied heated wax, from above impose a special strip (if you did not buy ready-made options in the supermarket), which is then torn against the growth of hair by a sharp movement. Then rinse the skin with water and grease with olive oil (it goes in the kit) or moisturizer. On the face it is enough just good water treatment (warm). That's all. And now you should learn how to make a home-made shugaring (recipe).

Cooking pasta

So, we start with you to prepare the pastafor carrying out "sugar depilation" at home. All ingredients should be found in any hostess on the shelves or in the refrigerator. In order to cook the pasta, you need to take 200 g of sugar (this is enough for about 3-4 times), 100 ml of water (warm), as well as 2 teaspoons of citric acid.

home shugaring recipe

Mix the water with sugar and put a lot ofto cook. Stir constantly. When the color changes to caramel, remove from heat, add citric acid, and then continue stirring until smooth. As soon as this happens, just cool down what you left. Now you need to bring the paste to room temperature. That's all. You can take "plasticine" in your hands, roll into a ball and apply it to your destination.


And our conversation is coming to an end. So it's better - shugaring or waxing? In fact, you can not answer here unequivocally. Everyone decides for himself, that he is interested, convenient and necessary. As they say, the taste and color ...

In principle, for home depilation, you canUse wax strips and a special cream that relieves excess vegetation. This is a very cheap and high-quality method. But in the salons now, as a rule, offer shugaring. If you can not decide at all, then alternately apply both options.