Stones for Sagittarius. Overview

Spiritual development

Sagittarians are subject to the elements of Fire. As a rule, they are creative, actively emitting vital energy. That is why the stones for Sagittarians must have the ability to accumulate and store this energy.

Astrologers note that the representatives offair sex, born under this sign, it is very difficult to find a suitable partner for yourself. Therefore, the stones for Sagittarius-girls must also be good loving talismans. An equally important feature of the amulet is its ability to protect its owner from both real threats and negative thoughts of ill-wishers. Considering all the above, we suggest that you find out which stones are most suitable for Sagittarius.


Mineral purple will be beautifulamulet. He is able to have a positive impact on his possessor, improving the inner world of man and his thoughts. Amethyst is primarily recommended to choose as an amulet for those who are engaged in mental work. This stone will contribute to the concentration of thoughts and efforts to achieve the main goal. He dissipates all the disturbances and gives a priceless sense of inner peace. Amethyst will help to strengthen health, improve immunity and cheer up.

Stones for archers


This precious stone will attract energyflows of true love into the life of its master. Ruby will be a good talisman, bringing luck in all life spheres. This mineral favors the creation of numerous opportunities for the realization of the conceived.

what stones to wear archers


Answering the question about what kind of stones forStreltsov are the most effective, it would be a mistake not to mention turquoise. According to the ancient Persian tradition, this gem was formed from the bones of those who died of love. An unusual mineral was always chosen as a guard by those people who were not afraid to resist evil in any of its manifestations. There is turquoise of various natural shades. So, the blue mineral will give its owner generosity, justice and authority, will make this a lucky one. A white stone will protect risky people from any kind of danger. Green turquoise is considered a talisman of those who have already realized themselves, therefore it is not recommended to wear it to young people.


Listing the most successful stones for Sagittarius,describe and sapphire. Since ancient times, ambitious personalities have valued him for bringing victory. This mineral will direct irrepressible energy in the right direction, help determine the goals and give decisiveness.

stones for the archer-girl


If you still do not know whichstones to wear to Sagittarius, stop your choice on chrysolite. This gem will provide protection from rash steps. It should be chosen by those people who are prone to depression, suffer from nightmares and suffer from insomnia. He will strengthen the strength of the spirit and confidence in his own rightness. For a long time, chrysolite is considered an amulet of family well-being and a keeper of the home. He will help get out the winner from litigation. Lovers of mysticism value chrysolite for its ability to reveal the secrets of the universe.