How to remove stains from paint from clothes: ways to

Home cosiness

During the repair or during the creative activitiesthere is always the risk of getting paint on your clothes. However, you can put a stain on clothes in public places, having hooked the painted door, a wall or a shop. Even worse, if the new thing was stained, getting rid of it was not at all part of the plans. Remains the only option for its recovery - removing the stain. This article will help answer the question of how to remove stains from paint from clothes.

Varieties of stains from paint

To understand how to remove paint stains fromclothes, it is necessary to clearly define their nature and the material on which the stain "settled." An erroneous definition of the type of contamination will lead to an ineffective way of removing it and can spoil the clothes.

So, let's look at the types of paint that you can remove stains from:

  • watercolor;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • aniline;
  • silicate;
  • alkyd enamel;
  • Oil paint.

Spots from watercolor, water-based paint and gouache

Such spots will be most simple in removal, soas absolutely not related to water resistant and perfectly dissolve. To get rid of such a stain, it is enough to rinse it under the pressure of cold water or to soak for 30 minutes with the addition of a detergent. Remains only to wash a clean thing.

Watercolor paint on clothes

Acrylic and latex paint stains

Remove from the clothing spots like acrylic paint, and latex can be the same way. First, the contamination site is washed in cold water under strong pressure.

Acrylic paint on clothes

Afterward, the detergent powder is rubbed into the stain from the back side. Further, the treated area is washed in hot water. Below is a photo of a stain from latex paint.

Latex paint stain

If the paint was on natural silk, thenTo act differently. On the stain applied laundry soap and rubbed with denatured alcohol with a sponge. Alcohol must be preheated with water vapor. The procedure should be repeated until the spot disappears completely. At the end, the remnants are removed using a wet swab of cotton wool, the place is wiped with a napkin and sprinkled with talcum powder.

In case of wool contamination, you can also firstuse a laundry soap, but then for a few seconds the fabric is placed in very hot water. After several procedures, the stain completely disappears. In the end, it is desirable to carry out a normal washing cycle.

Stain from aniline paint

Since removing from the clothes stains from the paint of suchkind it is difficult enough, it is necessary to prepare a 10% solution of potassium permanganate. For this, 1 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 100 ml of warm water. Dilute manganese carefully so that no crystals remain, which can leave marks on clothing. Next, you need to dilute 2 g of oxalic acid in 100 ml of warm water. This is a difficult part in the procedure for removing the stain, after which you can tackle the elimination of pollution.

First, the stain is wetted with alcohol, then a solution of potassium permanganate is applied and, finally, a solution of oxalic acid. The stain removal is finished by washing.

Stain from silicate paint

This paint is very afraid of acid. Therefore, you should not think for a long time about how to remove a stain from silicate paint. The easiest way is to moisten the toothbrush in the vinegar, wipe the stain and wash with soap.

Spots from alkyd enamel and oil paint

Such difficult spots from paint, like oil,withdraw from clothing is not easy. It is especially difficult to get rid of them on knitted and fleecy fabrics. With leather products or leatherette this paint is removed much easier. But the complexity of working with stains from oil paint is associated with a certain risk of using a solvent, without which they can not be withdrawn. Work with the thing should be on cotton cloth. You need to start with the treatment of the stain with a soft rag soaked in a solvent. You can use such less aggressive substances with the addition of a solvent, like white spirit, a liquid for removing varnish. The solvent can be replaced with acetone. When wiping, the paint will remain on the cloth, thus transferring from the clothes. This procedure is repeated until paint is no longer applied to the rag. Wipe gently and effortlessly, without rubbing the paint into clothes even more. Also you need to try to use a smaller solvent. Upon completion of work, the treated area must be washed.

Spot from oil paint

Oil paint on woolen clothes is wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. The affected area is also rubbed until the paint remains on the swab.

Spot from oil paint on wool

Still mixtures of kerosene or turpentine with baking soda,as well as acetone and gasoline are considered what can be removed from the clothing spot of paint or alkyd enamel. Spots are wiped off each means separately, and after that the cleared place is washed with soap.

The spot on the capron or nylon is processed from the inside by ammonia and then washed in salt water.

But before you tackle the application of aggressive substances on clothes, you should try their effects on an inconspicuous area.

Old stains from oil paint

There are no guarantees, but it is worth trying the following ways to remove such stains:

  1. Initially, the stain should be softened withby lubricating with butter or margarine. Next, the stain is wiped off with gasoline (kerosene can be used) and washed with a detergent followed by rinsing.
  2. You can try to mix different solvents.
  3. In equal shares diluted with gasoline, turpentine andalcohol. The spot is soaked in this solution for half an hour. If the stain does not completely dissolve, the remnants can be removed with a plastic knife or the blunt side of an ordinary knife. In the end, the thing is rubbed off in soapy water.

How to remove a stain of paint from white clothes

Since white color by its nature refers tomarkim, any "flaws" (for example, scrapes or slight discoloration) work to remove stains will be in sight. Yes, and withdraw the entire stain is not always obtained, but on white, its remains will be as noticeable. In view of such features of color, the best solution is to turn to dry cleaning, although even there you can not get guarantees of quality removal of the stain.

Spot paint on white clothes

If preferably still independentremoval of the stain, it is necessary to stir white clay and refined gasoline (aviation) to a pasty state. This gruel is applied in a thick layer on the contaminated area for 3-4 hours and is cleaned with a brush. The second stage of removal will be washing with a stain remover.

Nuances when removing stains

  • It is always easier to remove a fresh stain. It is better to start immediately or as soon as possible to remove stains.
  • The use of a solvent is always accompanied by a risk of damage to clothing. It is worth trying it on an inconspicuous stretch of clothing before starting to process the stain.
  • In order not to interfere with the divorce, the treatment of stains should be carried out from the edges of the material to its middle.
  • If gasoline is used to remove the stain, thenYou need to buy it at special economic points of sale. In no case can not use gasoline from gas stations, since it has a lot of impurities that can leave an unremovable stain on clothes.
  • The dyed fabric is very sensitive tosolvent. Its use is especially dangerous for such clothes. In most cases, stains remain on it, which can not be eliminated because of the loss of color by the product in the areas of solvent damage.
  • Do not rush to use baking soda when removing stains from silk or wool.

As can be seen, there are many ways how to deducestains from paint with clothes, even the most complex. But the best way to keep clothes clean is to exercise caution in public places, and when working with paint, use special protection.