We create a monolithic foundation for the house with our own hands

Home cosiness

Value of foundation

The foundation is the basis for the subsequent erectionof any structure. Any construction, whether it is a house, a garage or even a bridge, begins precisely with its bookmark. The main task of the foundation is to maintain a structure based on its area. It provides a margin of safety in the event of additional loads: permanent and temporary. The first include the walls, roof, floors, as well as pieces of furniture located in the building. Temporary workloads include the weight of people living in the house, precipitation and wind.

foundation for a brick house

There are several types of constructionfoundations. The choice depends on several factors. These include the groundwater table, the construction site, the type of soil, the fabrication material of the building walls and their weight. Most often, creating a foundation for the house with their own hands, preference is given to the reinforced concrete monolithic construction of shallow building.

Soil types

Soil for such a design should becontinental homogeneous. There are several main varieties of it: rocky, sandy and cartilaginous. The first is the hardest and strongest, so it does not require any preliminary preparation. Cartilage is called a soil, to the composition of which are added pieces of stones or gravel. Creating a foundation for the house with your own hands on a similar basis, you should damp it to half a meter. Sandy soils have almost ideal characteristics for construction, but require a depth of about 0.6 meters. If clay becomes the foundation of the foundation, it is placed in accordance with the level of ground freezing.

Preparation of construction site

construction of foundations

Before laying the foundation for a brickat home, it is necessary to clear the territory and create a rough layout of the location of the future structure. It is necessary to determine exactly how far the building will be remote from the neighboring site and from the road. Clear the area from the vegetation can be using an excavator, but if there is no such possibility, this work will have to be done manually. Further it is required to construct a well and to break special axes for the basement.

Laying the foundation

Initially, the distance from each of thesides and put the pegs on which the board is placed. Its size depends on the width of the foundation, exceeding it by about one and a half times. To such "benches" the ropes are fixed, which determine the outer and inner side of the well. This procedure is carried out for each of the parts. Arranging the foundation for the house with their own hands, it is best to perform all the work with assistants who have experience in this area of ​​construction.

home foundation

The foundation stage of foundation

Each action should be performed withmaximum accuracy, because this depends on the strength and durability of the future structure. To make the corners of the foundation straight, you need to use a long enough roulette, because errors can not be tolerated even a few millimeters. At the end of this stage of work, you need to excavate the trenches and fill up the crushed stone pillow. Then it is rammed, the formwork and the reinforcement are installed, and then concrete is poured. A monolithic foundation for a house, built on this technology, will last for many years.