Production planning


Organization of any production processdepends on many of its constituent factors. In the conditions of the market economy, each enterprise independently develops plans. On their basis, the goods are produced.

Production planning is based onprojected volumes of sales and release of the finished product. These indicators are determined in the process of marketing research of consumer demand, taking into account government orders. Based on the analysis carried out, a production program is drawn up, which includes three sections. The first two consist of plans to produce products in kind and in value terms. Elements of the third section are forecast indicators that express the expected volumes of sales in quantitative, as well as in monetary terms.

Planning of production in naturalindicators consists of a task, the fulfillment of which requires the release of a certain volume of goods included in the nomenclature. Products should also be of appropriate quality.

Planning production and sales of finished goodsproducts in physical units allows you to determine the volume of release of a particular product. The sale of this product must satisfy the needs of the market. The cost expression of the forecast indicators is developed taking into account gross income, as well as realized and marketable products.

Planning of production is carried out with the purposebalancing the estimated costs of the business entity with its financial resources. For this, it is necessary to analyze the estimated cost of goods. Planning production costs is a prerequisite for the identification and use of reserves to achieve their maximum reduction. This, in turn, will allow increasing intraeconomic savings.

Cost planning should be based onprogressive forms of payment, the use of production equipment and the use of material and energy resources. It must also take into account the best practices of other organizations. Only when cost planning is based on scientifically based regulation, it is possible to identify and use existing reserves, which will reduce the cost of producing goods.

Production planning is carried out taking into accountlocal forecasts of individual shops and offices, as well as teams. A large enterprise can have several hundred. The goal setting, which allows you to link the work of the team and technology into a single technological rhythm, serves as a guide for combining these plans. The priority tasks of the whole enterprise and its structural units are determined. Usually, the main goal of the company's activity is to achieve the indicators that flow from the program of production of the main commodity output and financial plan.

The chief economist is engaged in direct development of the forecasted indicators of the enterprise. Together with the director, who exercises overall leadership, he determines:

- the relationship and degree of participation of structuraldivisions included in the management apparatus of the enterprise and workshops, in analyzing the activities of the organization, as well as in prospective and current planning;

- the timing and methodology of the work on the compilation of forecast indicators and their analysis;

- form of generalization of the indicators obtained as a result of the analysis and calculations for various sections of the plan;

- the timing, methodology and forms of operational control measures for the implementation of the plan.